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Friday 25 October 2013


I once had a thousand desires,but in my one desire to know you,all else melted away! (Rumi)

Sometimes life seems so meaningless, aimless, dull and we feel end of everything i.e. our desires, hopes, aims etc…is this it??no!!after getting into this situation we try to figure out why is this happening and most common thought that comes into our mind is “why it’s always me?? " haaa…if every person think that its always him then who is the true one???answer is NO ONE!!! Because Allah loves us more then we can imagine.. HE has blessed us much more then we think… nobody on this earth faces pros and cons alone…everyone go through this…sometimes we become so passionate and desperate for achieving our goals.. which is indeed a very good thing .
In accordance with a famous saying “Allah helps those who help themselves”…

So if we will not try to achieve our goals then Allah will also not help us!!but again the question arises. Is this it?? is passion enough to fulfil our dreams?? no!! hundreds and thousands of people even every single person on this earth have a dream that he/she wants to achieve either by hook or trook!!This is what the question is…why not we follow our dream sincerely and make honesty our passion to achieve our goals…so we should not just run before our aims, desires etc we should choose those out of them that does not lead our honesty and sincerity down before Allah…Allah evoke these desires in our hearts..just as a test to see how many of us follow that desire and how many fall prey to it!!:) it’s not like that if we will keep on praying to Allah that please make my that wish come true or fulfil my dream will not work but as Allah says that whoever wish for duniya he will get this and whoever wishes for akhirah he will get that…it only depends on how we use our senses to understand the purpose of that desire emerging inside us…we should not follow it blindly!!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

A bitter truth..


fantasies are such a wonderful and complex things…sometimes they lead u to a charismatic world. Ah such bliss…but sometimes they confront u to the bitterest realities of life that I guess we know but just avoid them…u get so much confuse between that two modes that you actually start believing that you are one body two souls”!!!*sigh*…but as we are the creatures of ALLAH so definitely this is a blessing too…mood fluctuations, depression, happiness, gloominess, sarcasm, all are parts of one’s life…obviously one just can’t lead a life like an impression less and feel less person..In fact there is no such person in existence…even a paralysed person can feel and use his senses so fabulously…
ONE great example is STEPHEN HAWKING…I guess no1 can deny his capabilities. Even he has something more than “capabilities”. That’s something “can’t be defined”!even one can write an essay on him as he’s so “famous” in fact hundreds of people have…but we forgot to mention the name of that Creator…if HE wouldn’t have blessed him then he wouldn’t have been something more than” a piece of paralysed meat” for this world. One is nothing nothing without ALLAH. No offence with the person. It’s the mentality of this world…they praise the creation but not the creator…fantasies here play the part of misleading a person from right path. As in this era it’s used in negative sense…Bbiggest fantasy and that makes people very happy is (especially for a girl) getting a prince charming and for a guy to get The most beautiful girl. That’s not wrong because Allah has inculcate these feelings in a human but HE has also commanded to control these desires and don’t fall prey to it…One can’t survive with the beautiful body whole life. In the end all come to the conclusion saying “nature should be good” but why after so long??After hurting sm1??turning him/her from good to bad and making him/her feel as the loneliest person on earth!!..so one should live in that fantasy world that don’t take him/her away from “himself” and so from ALLAH!..Everyone is beautiful, has the right to become happiest person on earth so just skip “fantasies” (not dreaming) and live in reality J